tropic leaf background jungle leaves



See how you relate to the world around you

What is biophilia?

Biophilia is our innate attraction to the natural world. While it's widely accepted that nature is beneficial for our well-being, there is still much to learn about the elements within the natural world that are the most beneficial, or whether some people are more sensitive to these benefits.

Introducing the Biophilia Quotient, or Biophiliaq, a pioneering citizen science project designed to address these gaps in knowledge. We invite people from all corners of the globe to participate in our survey. By sharing your insights, you can help us unravel the mysteries surrounding our relationship with biodiversity and its impact on human flourishing.

White and Black Animal Sitting on a Branch

Are all parts of nature beneficial?

Paper Wasp

There are some parts of nature that are more frightening than others. How does the way we feel about the different types of biodiversity influence the way we feel about nature in general?

Why take the survey?

Chicago City Skyline
Golf Course

Biodiversity is declining at a catastrophic rate. Understanding the factors that influence the way we feel about the natural world is critical to biodiversity conservation. By taking the survey, you are participating in a global citizen science project that will help conservationists, urban planners, and policy makers create a world where everyone can flourish.

Color Fishes And Corals Under The Sea

Take the Survey

Contact the ​Cognitive Behavioral ​Lab for more ​information

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